Level One requires a 100% carbon dioxide (CO2) offset

In private aviation, companies and individuals who own fractional shares, jet cards, take a charter flight or own aircraft seek to become carbon-neutral – that is, the carbon emissions caused by their operations are offset by an equal amount of carbon savings elsewhere. For most, this is the end goal. At 4AIR, this is the starting point.



Believing that accurate measurement is critical to progress, 4AIR works first to measure a company or individual’s carbon emissions using carbon accounting methods in line with ICAO and the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. 4AIR can assist companies with corporate ESG reporting for the impact of their flight departments.


Through 4AIR, companies and individuals have the option of identifying and purchasing carbon offset credits that fund specific projects intended to offset carbon emissions. Offsets projects often incorporate forestry and renewable energy, allowing us to address the largest source of global emissions.


A carbon offset is a tradeable, verified reduction or avoidance of one metric ton of CO2 emissions. 4AIR offset projects and credits are verified and validated with the most prominent verification standards. Plus, for large operators, emissions estimations are verified by an independent third party to ensure that all flights are included and emissions accurately calculated.