Voluntary Programs - 4AIR Ratings
How does it work?
Each rating level is setup as a turnkey solution that can be applied down to a flight hour or per gallon level. Each rating is a ready sustainability program for companies or individuals to apply to their flying. Companies can offer the rating to customers or achieve the rating for their entire operation. Select a level, provide the scope to be covered, and 4AIR will provide the rest. Our goal is to make sustainability turnkey with a full-service program.
The first step in taking environmental action is understanding and measuring your environmental impact.
A carbon offset is a verified reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.
Offsets can come from a variety of projects including renewable energy, avoiding deforestation, energy use reductions, or nature based sequestration.
Level One requires a 100% carbon dioxide (CO2) offset.
Carbon neutral is just the beginning, but CO2 alone only accounts for 1/3 the impact of flying. 2/3 of the impact of flying comes from non-CO2 warming pollutants in aviation, such as water vapor, aerosols, and NOx.
Comprehensive emissions offsetting considers this impact and, based on radiative forcing indexes, requires offsetting 300% of the CO2 impact to account for addition emissions.
Level Two requires a 300% offset to comprehensively offset emissions.
Carbon offsetting is designed to help us in the short run, but we need to continue work to reduce emissions in the long-run.
Emissions reductions can be achieved through operational changes, buying new aircraft, or most prominently through Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
SAF is Jet Fuel (certified under the same standard, ASTM D1655) that is made from sustainable, non-fossil sources and can reduce emissions by as much as 90%.
Level Three requires a 5% direct emission reduction.
In order to meet broader global sustainability goals, we need truly innovative technologies like electric aircraft and cleaner fuels.
The 4AIR Aviation Climate Fund writes grants and investments to university research to support new technologies aimed at reducing emissions in aviation. The fund easily allows individuals and companies to participate in this leading edge research and help shape the future of aviation.
Level Four requires a direct investment in new technology or a contribution to the Aviation Climate Fund.
Already working on your own sustainability efforts? Reach out to 4AIR to get your existing efforts audited and a stamp of approval that provides internal and external legitimacy to your program.
Example Mission
KTEB -> KPBI in a Super Mid-Size Jet
ETE: 2 hours and 46 minutes
Estimated Commitment:
Level 1: Offset 7 tonnes of CO2
Level 2: Offset 21 tonnes of CO2e
Level 3: Direct reduction of 1.1 tonnes CO2e through use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
Level 4: $42 contribution to the Aviation Climate Fund (ACF)