4AIR Sustainable Aviation Fuel Calculator

Easily and conveniently calculate your reduction from the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) using our calculator:

4AIR Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Calculator

Easily estimate your emissions reductions from the use of SAF using our free calculator below. Scroll down for instructions on how to use the calculator.

How to Use the Calculator:

  1. Enter your total quantity of blended fuel.

  2. Select your units from either gallons, liters, pounds, or kilograms.

  3. Enter the percentage blend of SAF.

  4. Enter the Life Cycle Factor or the carbon intensity of the neat SAF feedstock.

How does Sustainable Aviation Fuel reduce emissions?

The tailpipe emissions are the same, so the same amount of CO2 is released during the combustion of the fuel when using SAF compared to JetA. The reduction comes from looking at the entire life of the fuel and where the CO2 came from. SAF uses sustainable feedstocks so rather than digging up CO2 (in the form of fossil fuels) out of the ground, it is using feedstocks that drew CO2 from the biosphere (in the form of plants or other waste). SAF enables reductions because less net new CO2 is added to the atmosphere than when using JetA.

Where can I find Sustainable Aviation Fuel?

As sustainable aviation fuel becomes more and more readily available, it can be confusing where physical supply exists for business aviation customers. Visit 4AIR’s map for SAF - a verified listing of airports with sustainable fuel inventory specifically designed with business and general aviation users in mind.


Interested in addressing your impact?

Visit our General Aviation program for a self-service customized program or contact us for a custom, turnkey program designed to easily meet your sustainability needs.